domingo, 10 de julio de 2022

Travel to the past.

       David Treuer on the Myth of an Edenic, Pre-Columbian 'New' World ‹ Literary  Hub

If I could travel through time I would like to go to the past, because I feel that by going to places and empirically observing situations, you can contrast with what is written (history), and that it is usually always changing. So I would like to travel back hundreds of years, specifically before the arrival of the Spanish ships to America in 1492, to learn about the different cultures that inhabited our continent. Obviously I would like to be on an invisible ship, or be completely innocuous so as not to affect absolutely nothing, just with the intention of understanding and observing the different ways of being of these primordial habitants. 

I would like to have the ability to transform my appearance and my mind to be able to adapt to different forms of communication, and talk to people. Collect different types of information and try to interact with each member. As I said before, I would not like to intervene in the communities, because I am from another time and my modes of being would possibly cause a rupture in the culture, although it is very Ray Bradbury, I feel that everything you do affects the future, or rather every action you have will create an infinity of realities for the future, even stepping on a branch or stealing a stone. Therefore, I prefer to return to this present, the same one in which I am currently blogging for my English course, even if it is not the best world, I am a son of my time and I prefer not to change it.

English course

        10 secretos para hablar inglés de manera exitosa | English Live Blog

My experience learning English at the university has been good, especially because at the beginning of the classes I have to speak in a language completely different from my own, and that, although a little frustrating at first, has helped me to naturalize English in my daily life. As for the face-to-face and Zoom classes, I must say that I prefer the first modality, rather than the second, because I can actually see the faces and expressions of my classmates, which makes me feel more confident than just seeing a black screen. And that in a way, also affects the way I express part of my life in blogs, seeing my classmates and teacher every week, gives me much more motivation to write blogs, although they can be tedious, I like them. 

Outside of class, I use English to talk to myself in the shower, to talk to my friends or to help some lost foreigner who doesn't know Spanish very well, which happens to me very often since I am not originally from Santiago and I always have to take buses to Viña del Mar or Valparaíso, and many times at the terminal station there is more than one lost foreigner looking for guidance, and for some reason they look for me. Most of the time I can help them, but there are times that due to grammatical issues I find it hard to understand them and answer their questions correctly, in that sense I would like to improve my grammar, and learn more in theory, since most of my English I have learned through netflix or youtube.

viernes, 10 de junio de 2022

Changes to my study programme

As we started classes in pandemic, I had not been able to get to know the university until last year, and this year I just spent more time there, many people had told me about the campus and its spaces before entering the university, and not very good things, so in general I had very low expectations with the infrastructure and academics, but now that I know the spaces I think I can stop at certain things that work relatively well, and others that I would like to modify. 

The first thing I would do would be to modernize the rooms in the old FACSO building, and change the tables that are very small and uncomfortable. I think the curriculum is fine, but I would like there to be much more fieldwork rather than academic work. Also that they teach us with more technological tools, such as programs, platforms focused on archaeology and physical anthropology, and also more basic things like Excel, so if we had more experience in different fields we could in 3rd year know better what specialty to take.

I would also like to see more emphasis on the teaching of other languages, because this would make it much easier if you want to continue your studies abroad, travel or work abroad.

jueves, 2 de junio de 2022

A job you would like to have in the future

I would really like to dedicate myself to documentary cinema in the future, I have always liked cinema and I feel that once I finish anthropology, I will be more prepared to face the world, its diversities and focus on what I want to do. 

I think what motivates me the most is to be able to travel a lot and work in whatever I want. During the pandemic I became obsessed with documentaries and art cinema, I found very entertaining websites where I saw a lot of ethnographic films, on YouTube I discovered "DW Documentaries", I learned a lot and I realized that I would like to mix the career I was going to study (I was not yet in college) with one of my favorite hobbies. In fact, for example, Maite Alberdi's films "El agente topo" and "La once", or Jean Rouch's "Crónica de un Verano" are very good examples of what I would like to do.

I think that what you need most to dedicate yourself to something like this are photographic skills, and I think that studying something related to social sciences will be very useful to record interesting things. 

jueves, 14 de abril de 2022

Concert before Covid-19

Patti Smith is a singer very important in the punk world of the 70's, she is a feminist, activist and a grate writer.  My father used to listen her music since a was very young, so i grown with her. In 2019 i was in my bed in Instagram and i see a notice that the "godmother of punk" was coming for the first time to Chile, i was very exciting, because she is old and i didn't know if i could see her before she die or something, so the next day i bought the tickets.

The concert was the 18 of November, a month since the "estallido social", and was very exciting, my mother went with me. I cried when i saw her, and mi mother too, in the middle of the concert she recited poetry related with the contingency in Chile of the moment, and also she spoke about caring for the environment. This concert was one of my favorite moments of my life, and also that i shared with my mom. I bought a t-shirt, and i steel have the tickets.

jueves, 31 de marzo de 2022

Martina Delgado, Georgia

I would like to go to Georgia, because, sometime ago i see a Georgian movie and i like it very much. My best friend saw it too and also she like it a lot, so we decide that go to Georgia it is now a wish for the two of us. After all this i search pictures of Georgia, and it is so beautiful, its have a lot of mountains, the architecture it is gorgeous, it has a lot of old house's, churches, monastery's, but i just know the country for google, so i hope that the country will be that beautiful when i go. If i were to go i would probably filming everything, i would like to do a documentary or something, because a love the cinema. I don't know if i would like to live or study there, but if i had an opportunity to work there, not for a long time, it would be grate, like that at the same time i could be filming and know the country.

Travel to the past.

        If I could travel through time I would like to go to the past, because I feel that by going to places and empirically observing situ...