jueves, 31 de marzo de 2022

Martina Delgado, Georgia

I would like to go to Georgia, because, sometime ago i see a Georgian movie and i like it very much. My best friend saw it too and also she like it a lot, so we decide that go to Georgia it is now a wish for the two of us. After all this i search pictures of Georgia, and it is so beautiful, its have a lot of mountains, the architecture it is gorgeous, it has a lot of old house's, churches, monastery's, but i just know the country for google, so i hope that the country will be that beautiful when i go. If i were to go i would probably filming everything, i would like to do a documentary or something, because a love the cinema. I don't know if i would like to live or study there, but if i had an opportunity to work there, not for a long time, it would be grate, like that at the same time i could be filming and know the country.

Travel to the past.

        If I could travel through time I would like to go to the past, because I feel that by going to places and empirically observing situ...